Fast, Accurate CAD Data Translation
Tech Soft 3D’s CAD data translation toolkits allow for fast, accurate CAD data access & viewing enabling broad CAD file read and write capabilities without dependency on proprietary CAD systems and without having to develop file-reading technology in-house.

3D CAD data translation with HOOPS Exchange
HOOPS Exchange is the leading SDK for 3D CAD data translation enabling access to a broad range of data such as boundary representation, product manufacturing information, and model trees. The powerful C++ API provides access to over 30 CAD file formats including CATIA®, SOLIDWORKS®, Inventor®, Creo®, NX™, Solid Edge® and many more through a single interface.

CAD Data Translation + Graphics Engine
Leveraging the power of HOOPS Exchange and HOOPS Communicator, the HOOPS Web Platform accelerates development by integrating CAD import, web graphics and prebuilt UI components into a single API allowing your team to rapidly build 3D web apps.
Building a desktop, mobile, AR or VR app? Check out the HOOPS Native Platform and see the power of integrated SDKs for CAD import and 3D graphics.