High performance CAE toolkit to build and/or solve FEM models
CEETRON Solve is a multitask SDK that accelerates the implementation of CAE simulation applications by providing a developer-friendly framework to both define and solve FEM models.

FEM Toolkit for New and Existing Solvers
When building a FEM application from scratch or seeking to speed up an existing one, the framework and linear algebra algorithms in CEETRON Solve provide a toolbox of technologies to fit the CAE developer’s needs. Whether or not you rely on Ceetron Solve to build your local matrices, you can trust its SMP direct and iterative linear solvers as well as its eigensolvers to deliver the CPU performance you need.

Features & Benefits
CEETRON Solve fast-tracks FEM development and accelerates your solver.

Element Contribution Framework
CEETRON Solve’s local element contribution functionalities provide out-of-the-box local matrix and vector calculations for linear and parabolic 2D and up to cubic 3D FEA elements. Using the framework is not compulsory to take advantage of the top-performing linear algebra solvers.
Element types include solids, shells, membranes, beams, trusses, interfaces, contact elements, springs, dashpots and concentrated masses. Multipoint constraints are automatically computed.
The material models, either from the built-in library or user-defined, can be both linear and non-linear.
There are few restrictions on the specific data structures used by the toolkit within a host application to maintain the computational grid and/or solution results.
High-Level Performance
CEETRON Solve works behind the scenes of major industry-standard CAE packages, providing established performance on shared-memory parallel architectures.
The solvers are built on a high level of coarse-grained data distribution and rely on an extensive use of optimized BLAS for low-level operations. However, the true difference is in data management choices, multithreading and memory optimization, and a continuous quest to trim off CPU.

Solving is just the beginning
Learn more about the full suite of Tech Soft 3D CAE products.
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