CAE SDK for fail-free automatic mesh generation
CEETRON Mesh is Tech Soft 3D’s fail-free, comprehensive 2D & 3D meshing component for CAE application development. This robust CAE toolkit provides ultimate reliability with exact arithmetic predicate technology and best-in-class boundary recovery.

Extensive Meshing Toolkit
CEETRON Mesh provides a single programming interface to enable CAE applications with fully automatic mesh generation.
The technology bundle includes algorithms to deliver planar triangular meshes, triangular and quadrilateral 2.5D surface meshes, tetrahedral volume meshes, as well as hybrid volume meshes with pyramidal element transitions between quadrilateral faces to interior tetrahedra.
With over 20 years’ experience, our partners confidently rely on Ceetron Mesh as a dependable and versatile source of mesh generation technology.

Features & Benefits
The CEETRON Mesh software component empowers your engineering teams to seamlessly integrate robust mesh generation in your CAE application.

Surface Mesher
The 2.5D surface mesher takes as input a triangular tessellation of the geometric surfaces. Its underlying geometry representation allows for easy agnostic integration to industry-standard kernels. Forwarding geometry information is fully supported: users may attach any number of associations to the tessellation.
3D Meshing
Along with the main hybrid advancing front/Delaunay tetrahedral generator, CEETRON Mesh offers a variety of other possibilities, including mapped-mesh and extrusion generators. Triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedral, wedge, pyramidal and hexahedral elements may be generated.

Meshing is just the beginning
Learn more about the full suite of Tech Soft 3D CAE products.
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