Tech Soft 3D Wrapped 2024: Our Year in Numbers
We spend a lot of time looking to the future in our industry. It's only natural, engineering and application development drive innovation in everything they do. With 2024 coming to a close, we wanted to take some time to look back on an incredibly busy year. From rebrands and releases to events, parties, community giving, and even a call to action to peer-pressure our CEO, here is a snapshot of Tech Soft 3D’s 2024.
New Products and New Releases
In case you haven’t heard, we made a few acquisitions this year. We have been proud to welcome Theorem and SpinFire to our product lines, along with the brilliant teams that support them to Tech Soft 3D.

While new products are fun, we put a lot of work into improving our existing offerings. Across the Tech Soft 3D portfolio, we launched 86 new product versions, each adding new features and squashing annoying bugs.
The HOOPS platform as a whole saw massive improvements. HOOPS had 9 releases this year, 2 more than last, with added support for Linux ARM architecture. We now support CAD updates within 90 days. Just as importantly, the HOOPS Product line got a new family member, HOOPS Luminate.
Some of the most exciting new features by product include:
Physical material definition reading for all CAD Formats
DGN V7 and V8 reader – Beta
STEP AP242 Ed. 2 & Ed.3 R&W format support
New T-junction removal feature– Beta
ESM support for the WebViewer (as UMD and IIFE)
Multiple canvases
Support of Point Lights
Support for Screen-Oriented markups and non-zoomable markups
Launch of HOOPSY, our AI documentation assistant
New format support
Check out the documentation for CEETRON Envision and CEETRON Solve, Access, and Mesh.
New Branding and... Maybe New Tattoos?
As you may have noticed, we look a little different this holiday season. We went through a rebranding, incorporating our new products into our expanded strategic vision.
Our CEO, Ron Fritz, famously (ish) has a tattoo of the original Tech Soft 3D logo. With our two previous looks and this year's rebrand, our math skills tell us he needs at LEAST 3 new tattoos to stay up to date. We highly encourage you to pester him about this. We know we will.

Tech Soft 3D Around the World

We may not be the largest company in the world, but we do some serious globe-trotting. This year, we were proud to be able to attend or host 20 in-person events and 11 virtual events. No matter where you are in the world, Tech Soft 3D is ready to work with you.
We managed to snag 141 business cards and made some fantastic new connections. You can read about our experience at Formnext and IMTS to see some of our takeaways.
Recognition and Giving Back
Our Three Rings club is an internal program that seeks to empower each and every person in our organization to nominate their colleagues for exceptional performance. This year, we saw 131 Tech Soft 3D team members put forth by their coworkers for their excellence, along with 14 teams.
This program more than just recognizes strong work performance – it makes a difference. We were proud to donate $4,000 to Girls Who Code, on behalf of the winners. Additionally, Tech Soft 3D matches the charitable donations of our team and gave $9,700 to 20 different organizations.

Another Year of Tech Soft 3D
2024 is just about finished (or over, by the time you read this), and we want to take the opportunity to thank all of our partners, collaborators, and friends. We look forward to doing everything we can to make 2025 just as good or better than the past year.
As always, to chat about our products, ask us a question, or for any other reason, get in touch.